Linoprinting Worksop, 15. May 2021 in Ericeira, PT

Learn how to print your own Greeting Cards!

I invite you to my first Lino-Print-Workshop, where you will learn how to do your own Lino-Sheet Print, basic material description, and what kind of prints we can do ourselves.

– Introduction into Printmaking
– Material for Lino Printing
– Some references and ideas for prints
– Carve your own Lino-Sheet Stamp
– Print Print Print!
– Feedback and Print-Exchange


Only 5 spots! Minimum participants 3, max 5 Person.

The workshop will start at 9 o’clock and takes 4h (till 13 o’clock). Alle Levels welcome.
The course will be held in Olive3 Hostel, in Ericeira, Portugal. The price is 35 € including Material and 4h Workshop. Included in the price is: Material for a A6 Print, and 5 Greeting Cards we will print on. Of course also some test Paper and different coloures etc. Reservation via Contact Form or via:

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